Walking a mile and then some more…

Fortitude through Athena; Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare

Shiren WombFlower
3 min readOct 13, 2023

My writing mojo has dried up. Not enough sentimental impetus to wring out the vestiges of my creative juices. In honour of Libra season and a new set of eclipses upon us, I shall bring forth in my consciousness the grace of Athena, or Pallas Athena.

Athena who shows us how to stand our ground and fight with might. She who upholds justice and is fair and impeccable with judgement. Forget man-made laws for they are forged from fear of losing control and in the doubt of love. Athena asks us to go back to simpler laws of the Universe. In our mortal form, we bring it back to our solar plexus and see where we are playing the role of victim-aggressor-saviour; an exhausting drama triangle.

I return now to my family home after 14 years. I resisted. The Universe conspired and insisted that this lesson MUST be learnt now. I surrendered. I told the Goddess; this is my at my ebb. I raise my white flag and hang my head low; awaiting the blows.

The blows came swiftly enough, one after another with barely a month break in between. Screaming, tantrums, complete meltdowns, passive aggressive comments directed at me. I fight back, refusing to be victimised. All I became was a backfiring saviour.

I had returned to a hollowed-out place. It was the reason I left to begin with. A place where God has been forgotten. A realm of red suffering energies of scarcity, anger, dissatisfaction, and ungratefulness. A place where prayers are conducted 5 times a day but basic domestic hygiene is an afterthought. A place where the bedroom is scrupulously clean but all hoarding is left around the rest of the abode. A place where lying and stone-walling is the chosen form of communication. A place where everybody is to be blamed except the self. A place where the majority of utterances are of condemnation and complaints.

The wisdom of Athena tells me to stop saving. To re-direct the energies to what I can absolutely control; myself. This anger and saving is egoic. I listen, and I graciously withdraw. Wisdom is knowing what to fight for and when to quit. If there is any good time to recite the serenity prayer; now would be it.

“ God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.”

People often wonder where did they lose themselves. I can tell you now, we lose ourselves the minute the psyche is split into multiple personalities to conveniently fit the outside world. Where your inner reality is completely different from the face you show the world. Peace and war is not outside of us. It seems from the disharmony within. The lack of conscientiousness, the lack of being present, the lack of lightness in the heart is this death of the wholesomeness of our being.

Hell is not in the afterlife. Hell is the reality we create everyday for ourselves. The ripple effect of this is the worldwide hellish states of living we see today.

I ask you to examine the relationships we have and all the ‘karma drama’ we have chosen to perpetuate. Strap on your big-girl leather sandals and give them a good kick to the curb and carry on walking. Rest when you are tired. Listen to the wisdom of the owl from your third eye and the primal gut stirrings of the snake. Brace your shield and know when to wield the sword to cut the cords. Goddess (Athena) be with you always.



Shiren WombFlower

A Magdalene Priestess of the moon, womb, and blood mysteries. Women’s Red Tent facilitator. I enjoy experiencing, teaching, & sharing through my misadventures!