Tell Me Where It Hurts

The perpetual torture of Chiron in your astrological birth chart.

Shiren WombFlower
4 min readDec 6, 2023

Chiron is referred to in the Greek mythos as the wounded healer. As an immortal being he was dealt with a wound in the leg, leaving him seeking for a cure many lifetimes over. Astrologically he tours and stays in a constellation for a few years; with some exceptions to the rule.

In my experience, Chiron and the North Node are two fulfilling points of life’s mastery in the chart. However, it is largely attained through years of experience that leads to wisdom and finally; acceptance. Chiron tells you when to stop identifying with the pain and learn to grow from it. (North Node shows you that the hardest thing to do in this lifetime will be the most rewarding accomplishment achieved.)

While Chiron in the constellation brings a generational wound to all those born within that time frame; e.g. Chiron in Taurus will bring struggles in safety, resources, abundance, worth, basic comforts, nurturing, and security. Those born in this time frame will never feel that Earth is a solid ground that they can rest & rely on. Building forts and gathering items must always be done in order to survive.

To make a chart reading more meaningful for an individual Chiron’s actual house position in the birth chart needs to be examined.

A placement in the 4th house of family will indicate instability. There could have been moving from house to house or even homelessness. The family might not be under the same roof and separated due to seen and unforeseen circumstances. Rejection from own family is also possible. Ancestral hurts and scarcity carried down for many generations over. As this house forms the ‘root’ and thus ensures stability of the entire chart’ we can say that the core wounds of this person is very deep-rooted and not easily seen. Their childhood can be a time of chaos and uncertainty. Aspects of Chiron with other planets (if any) in the chart will further affect the wound. In this case, over time we need to learn to draw healthy boundaries with family members and not let our family’s past condition dictate our future happiness and fulfilment. The family you are born into represent a certain contract to be fulfilled and a de-conditioning you need to master.

Another example is Chiron in the 2nd house of possessions and finance. The pain will be centred around the literal possession of money. Even if the person actually earns well, there is a nagging paranoia that their bank balance is never enough and that sudden cataclysmic events will threaten to take away all their hard-earned money overnight. They may also struggle with issues of correctly evaluating their worth, thus asking for way less in return for what they can provide. People with this placement may be prudent with spending and opt for minimalist purchases. They are less likely to spend on the self deeming it as frivolous and unnecessary. To them the rainy day is real and it could be any day now. Ironically, they are extremely sympathetic to those with money woes and will offer to bail others out. Over time they will learn that money is an energy flow and what is spent can be happily earned and returned many fold to them.

Final example is Chiron in the 7th house of relationships, marriages and business partnerships. The flaw is always in the other and not them. Their heart has been broken and carelessly managed in the past and therefore all future relationships are entered into only half-assed. They are the classic avoidant attachment style partners. Their fear of betrayal and heartbreak consumes them to a point where they only project their best side so that they are not rejected over and over again. “This time maybe somebody will love me”. Their lesson in time is to learn that self-love is the highest service to humanity. By learning to wholly love the self, they teach others how to love them and will tolerate nothing less. This is the secret to healthy invincibility and not contemptuous ultra-independence. All relationships are two-way and involves some degree of risk. They need to determine if it is worth it and enter into the sacred agreement truthfully; regardless of outcome. The people we meet are merely mirrors after all.

Astrology helps us identify tendencies and allows us to be aware of the same script we like to play. With maturity, right intention, and resources we can break the patterns and evolve to a more healed and whole version of ourselves. Human capacity is limitless but without a map; we waste a lot of time bumping meaninglessly through life.

p/s: I use whole sign system and free charts can be drawn up at or You know you got it right when a lightbulb goes off when you see where that damn Chiron placement is in your chart! :)



Shiren WombFlower

A Magdalene Priestess of the moon, womb, and blood mysteries. Women’s Red Tent facilitator. I enjoy experiencing, teaching, & sharing through my misadventures!