Spiritual Vibrations

Shiren WombFlower
3 min readMar 25, 2024


What does it mean to be spiritual? Too many identify with this label but seem to miss its fundamental algorithm. For starters, there is no lotus without mud. And someone who beams with this exquisite radiance and elusive je ne sais quoi is that lotus flower.

It is one thing to be able to rattle off your pain and injustices done to you. But to own your pain, to want to do better, to be gentle with the self, and to constantly improve is what brings you closer to your Buddha nature.

Spiritual people never scream what they are or are not. They just are. Whatever means it took them to reach that place of inner peace and acceptance are just that; means to an end. Should they teach, trust that they have a stand for their discovery and methods. To teach is to become a better student yourself.

Generally all seekers who walk the path will engage in some form of consistent daily movement. Stretches, kriyas, any other form of exercise helps to keep the muscoskeletal system and nervous systems strong. This way, they are always alert and able to process information quickly from internal and external cues. To move is to honour your human body, that is a form of self-love. To move consistently is to have discipline. That too, is a form of self-love.

More than likely, they will also be mindful of their diet. They have done deep digging and found out what works for them optimally and what does not. This is beyond allergies and fad diets. Also, fasting is not for everyone, neither is veganism nor keto. Fuel the body like a machine calibrated finely. It is exhausting to be eating to avoid allergy or medical flare ups. Change the script. Eat to feel best everyday and everytime.

Lastly, those completely immersed in the being are open and receptive to the world around them. They understand how to respond rather than react. They can separate people emotions from theirs. They are able to introspect and ask themselves “What can I do better next time?”, “Where is this pattern coming from?” At any one time, they know that all power lies within their hands. This is what makes them an effective agent of change. An uplifting vibration that in turn, uplifts another or a situation. They also understand the dynamics of push and pull, cause and effect and know when to cease.

One day after all seeking of parents, bosses, lovers, and gurus’ validations, embarkation of all religions, retreats, and certifications are over, may you sit down quietly to rest. And in that bliss state of self love and quiet acceptance of all around you, you will not even label yourself as a spiritual being. You and that identity is no longer separate. You are at peace and you can see the grand cosmic joke for what it is.

Many blessings on your path. All external search and perceived suffering is to only help your inner light emerge. Goddess be with you always.



Shiren WombFlower

A Magdalene Priestess of the moon, womb, and blood mysteries. Women’s Red Tent facilitator. I enjoy experiencing, teaching, & sharing through my misadventures!