Sekhmet in her chapel at Karnak in 2018. Behold her glorious sun disc.


Shiren WombFlower
5 min readOct 24, 2021


The Mother of Purification.

I won’t pretend to know a lot about the Egyptian pantheon. But my story is about facing her and how she has appeared in my life for heavy duty purification. Sekhmet was invoked by her father Ra at a time when he felt it was time to teach mankind a lesson for going wayward. Her bloodlust was so intense that she slaughtered relentlessly almost annihilating all who lived. In a bid to stop her, Thoth came up with an ingenious solution to dye copious amount of mead (which is an awesome drink btw) red in colour. Sekhmet, still tripping from her power hungry feast, partook in the alcohol thinking it was blood and fell fast asleep, drunk. In her subdued form, she is revered as the cat goddess, Bastet.

Sekhmet operates from the solar plexus. The seat of power. She has the face of a lioness. For context, have you seen the way a lioness nurtures and protects her cubs? She is loving but absolutely no nonsense. She will protect and she will fight for what she holds dear and sacred to her. Such is her essence.

This fearless mother goddess teaches us about anger and Divine Rage. She reminds us when enough is enough and dares you to face your own bullshit. Divine Rage allows us to stand up for our own truth. To champion the justice we want for our own sovereignty. But to fight, you first need to be brave. You need to assert boundaries, walk away from depleting situations and not so subtly tell others to sod off. To be free, you need to break free from those very chains you have enslaved yourself in.

I first invoked her flames of purification several years ago when I wanted a jumpstart to my laggard, stagnant life. Every morning I asked to be enveloped in her cleansing fire. I asked my dross to be burnt away, for the energetic vibrations to be higher and propel me toward all the change that I know that I should take but lack the courage to do so. That was my leap of faith. Somewhere inside I knew I had the strength to go through whatever that was coming my way. Once you step into the flames, the only way is forward. You will be shielded from a lot of the brunt through her loving grace but you still need to walk those hot coals.

Four years ago, I saw her in the ground floor of the British museum. A few of her statues were there but they seemed to be just museum exhibits to me. The following year, while visiting Karnak Temple, we were led to a far corner off the main courts to her chapel. It was almost like a covert pilgrimage for the thirty of us. In the forefront is a stele, with engravings and markings. We entered a chamber with just her presiding over the entire room. We knew to just stay silent and to pray for what we wanted. That day, I got right up to her with a few others and was specifically instructed to lay my hand on the top of her sceptre. Finally, up close with the Goddess! You have nothing to do but to be open and receive.

Upon returning from Egypt, she would appear in a healing I was receiving. Here Sekhmet was removing gun metallic bullets from me. My feet was immersed in a bucket in front of her as she was dissolving all the heavy lead-like poisons I had cheerily injecting onto myself over the course of my life. Under the instructions of Ra, I was to return to her chapel and put a bottle of water on the stele and infuse it with sun rays. I was a child of the sun it seemed. I had heard the same from a priestess in Glastonbury prior. A solar child. One day, I’ll make more sense of it I hope.

With good karma and grace, I was able to carry out Ra’s instructions the following year. By this time, the chapel has become a popular spot. Sekhmet was barricaded now, preventing us ‘tourists’ from desecrating her all over. Strictly no photos were allowed so we had to be creative in sneaking a shot in. We had just a narrow window of time before the next group of tourist were waiting to seek an audience with her. I had a brief moment with her, touching her feet ever so fleetingly. I was humbled and immensely grateful that we meet once more in this lifetime.

When we visit sacred places and connect with the Divinities there, an invisible thread now exists solely between you and them. It leaves an indelible mark somewhere in your heart, your memory, your consciousness. You are part of them, and they are part of you forevermore. When they appear, you will know. There is now a register, a recall, an imprint which is unmistakable.

My latest encounter with Sekhmet occurred recently during a deep hypnotic healing session. When I am counted back into a state of relaxation, I am walking backwards in giant strides towards her obscure chapel on the grounds of the mighty Karnak temple. During the final integration process, a deep cloak of carnelian energy was enveloping me. It came in cool and heavy layers. An orange colour so deep that it turned blood red. This time there were no flames, no singeing. She had come to help me restore and rejuvenate. The thick karmic cords had solidified into obsidian glass and had shattered away chunk by chunk.

Such is my brief dalliance with Sekhmet. She appears during deep healings and can be compassionate and helpful. She plucks away at thorns embedded so deep that you cannot possibly remove on your own. She shows mercy and restores wholeness as long as you can show up bare bones, stripped of ego and ready to commit to fighting for your truth.

Invoke her if you dare. The ride is anything but charming. Sekhmet challenges you to step up for yourself and nothing else. She wants nothing but for each of us to return to our own seat of power. For there lies the truth. And if all of us can see that and face it, there will be no need to summon her for a worldwide cleansing once again.

By the power of the fierce yet loving Goddess. Sekhmet.



Shiren WombFlower

A Magdalene Priestess of the moon, womb, and blood mysteries. Women’s Red Tent facilitator. I enjoy experiencing, teaching, & sharing through my misadventures!