North Node Compass

The Path of Most Resistance…

Shiren WombFlower
4 min readDec 29, 2023

In astrology, this position calls for mastery in the long run. The sooner you align to your North Node alignment (geographic point of where the moon and earth’s orbit passes at the highest point) the sooner you can feel a sense of life fulfilled. Regardless which Western astrology house system you choose, select the one explanation that you are most resistant to. Most likely that is the trajectory you will need to master in this lifetime. Friction is what brings forth alchemy, no? And what you resist is what that persists.

On the contrary the South Node in your natal chart indicates gifts from past incarnations and also what needs to be done and dusted with. Fixation on these qualities needs to be curtailed while we deftly bring forward only the wisdom and natural talents from the past. Ultimately, the South Node will help your North Node endeavours be achieved through its inherent boon.

Let us look at which house and sign the North Node is placed in the natal chart. The blend of this information is what makes the strife unique for you. Throw in the other planets in interaction (or not) with your North Node and you get a pizza supreme. Lots of stuff going on!

How the Nodal points are derived. Bottom symbol is the North Node. Top is the South Node. Image from WikiHow.

Let us start by giving cut and dry examples of just North Node in the House and its corresponding Sign. I use the whole sign system in Astrology :)

North Node in the First House in the sign of Gemini. Native is learning to express themselves creatively and independently. They are allowing their eccentric intellect to show and disregarding what others will think especially their loved ones. They need to chat and exchange information because that is their identity. Being claircognisant will come naturally to them as energy channels from the higher realms into them easily. Look off beat, sound off kilter and embrace it. This native will struggle mostly to feel accepted for what they are; always identifying as being weird and alone. Shame and low self-worth is a core challenge. Native must also learn to disassociate from losing their identity in another or putting “the other” on a pedestal.

Next we have a native with North Node in the Fourth House of Pisces. Building a home and a stable foundation is important for them. Preferably by the water’s edge or if not, their home is dreamy in theme. There has to be a sense of ethereal feeling or a place where they can escape and dissolve into silence, contemplation, and solitude. Esoteric creativity can then form here and the home might entertain spiritual individuals or even daily spiritual activity. Their home is a different world from the external chaos but upon entering nobody can really explain why. Native is learning to pull away from the mundane rigidity of routine and from being ‘out there’ and important. They are learning that it is ok to rest and dream in a fixed place and they are not less when not being infamous and lauded.

While I cannot go into detail of all possible permutations, hopefully this sheds some light as to what we can gear ourselves to building, achieving, and sustaining in the long run. If people are lost and come for a reading, the North Node points to the main lesson the soul needs to learn. We can use the planets to help work towards that. Venus will tell us the value system we depend on, Mars will show to drive and stamina to get it done, Saturn shows where mundane fears and restrictions are.

A word on nodal transits in your chart…

The nodal axis changes sign in reverse zodiacal order every 18 months in real time and we can use the transit of the nodes to align specific activities just for these eighteen months. This is how we ride the energy of the cosmos and break away from mundane routines in our lives. The North Node is currently in Aries from 17 July 2023 until 28 January 2025.

If Aries in your natal chart is in the 11th house then this 1.5 years can be a time to focus on joining social causes and groups and spearheading efforts that benefits the collective. You will exude the energy and enthusiasm of an assertive person; almost like an eager child. Your drive, stamina, and leadership will get things done successfully. Meanwhile you are focusing less on personal creative projects and hobbies, possibly less focus on kids (if you have any) as you take time for yourself and join the collective once more with your own sense of bravado.

Should Aries be in your 9th house of studies, intellectual pursuits, and travel then this is the time to take charge and plan trips. Solo trips are even better. Join that course you always wanted to take and ensure that it allows for quick, lively, accessible communication wherever you are. Not too long a course as you might get bored easily. Should you travel, plan for different places and exciting activities which promises an often change of scenery and experience. You are pulling away from being everyone’s self-sacrificing dependable sibling and friendly neighbour. Less mundane chats and more serious pursuits for the mind through new experiences and expanded perception of the world.

As a given, everything is easier in theory than in reality. This is where the breaking of the resistance needs to occur. Some of us transform easily due to friction sustained either greatly or at an early age whereas some people prefer status quo until the very end. But, if you brought your attention all the way down here then mundane is not your middle name ;)



Shiren WombFlower

A Magdalene Priestess of the moon, womb, and blood mysteries. Women’s Red Tent facilitator. I enjoy experiencing, teaching, & sharing through my misadventures!